Feeling better? Or better feeling?
Health care, as we know it in this country, is largely focused on stomping out symptoms and conditions. This is something most of us have been conditioned to do from a young age - if something was hurting, your Mother would kiss it to make it better. When we become independent, and the health issues become more significant than a scraped knee, we reach for over the counter medication to dull or block symptoms or conditions out. If we are disturbed, we reach for caffeine, television, alcohol, food or other substances all in the attempt to silence what we are feeling.
Is this instinctual habitual behaviour in our best interest?
All of your senses are necessary; from seeing and hearing, to touch. What you sense allows you to respond, to react, and to adapt. If you put your hand on a hot stove are you better off to feel it or not? In fact, some very serious conditions, such as leprosy, involve the state of not being able to feel. You have the most intricate and sensitive autonomic and sensory nerve system of any creature on the planet. This has evolved over millennia to create a being that is the most fit to survive.
Spinal subluxations are literally blown neural circuits. They are where your nerve system has failed to adapt to a physical, chemical or emotional event. From the fall over your bicycle handlebars as a kid, to the upset you experienced with the loss of a loved one. They are a short-term survival strategy that is effective for you to move on with your life. However, as these distortions fragment your nerve system, it leaves you disconnected from who you truly are and living up to your quality of life potential.
The traumas of your past literally alienate, isolate, separate part of your physiology from one another. You end up living in a body armor of your history. As your nerve system chooses to wake up, it sends messengers for you to pay attention. The aching shoulder, the bulging waistline, your lack of energy and so on. The healthier you are the more subtle the messenger and the quicker you respond.
The sicker you are the louder the messenger and the more destructive it is to how you live your life. If you were in the jungle, would it be more advantageous to recognise a lion by its roar or its breath? Sometimes waking up is hard to do and the longer you hit the snooze alarm the harder it is to wake up.
Returning you to the state you were in before you had this symptomatic situation that is chaotic to your life has been the focus of health care. But that is not good enough because that is the state that put you to the situation you are in, to the symptom you are experiencing, the condition you have.
Health care, wellness care, is about better connection to the perfection within you so you can feel everything.
Health is wholeness. Healing is the process of becoming more whole. As you have a greater connection to your source, you will feel more. You may feel the parts of you that have been numb throughout your life, the unexpressed emotional upset, the detoxification of the chemical exposures you have experienced, the physical traumas that you drugged. Perhaps you will feel for the first time in your life! Our senses are here to be felt and used, so that you can be the very best version of yourself. Are you going to keep them switching off, or are you ready to wake up to better health?
by Dr. Bilal Adhami