At Body Mind Empowerment Centre offering services such as gentle Chiropractic in Canberra, we believe education and knowledge is a key component of your healing, both for your body and your mind. Please browse through our video gallery, and if you have any questions or would like any further information on any of the topics we discuss, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
What to expect on your first two visits
This video is designed to help you know what to expect from your first two visits at the Body Mind Empowerment Centre with Dr. Jason Barritt (chiro).
RSI and other debilitating conditions:
This video os about RSI and other debilitating conditions and identifying the cause using Applied Kinesiology. If you would like to be in contact with us, or book an appointment, please do not hesitate. It's never too late to reach your optimal health!
Warning: Tony uses a few F bombs.
Tony Robbins talks about Network Chiropractic
When using gentle touches to the spine and body, I take into account specificity of location, direction, pressure and timing of those touches known in NSA care as 'contacts". I also take into account the patterns of passive spinal stiffness of the person in order to access the neuroplastic capacity of the human nervous system. In this way, I seek to empower as many individuals as I can to develop a proactive healing response throughout their entire body.
The objective of this process is to enhance brain-body and body-brain communication to improve performance and reduce symptoms.
One of my greatest joys is to observe how a series of NSA entrainment sessions can enable some people to experience a transformation of their health, mobility and quality of their life in ways they did not know were possible.
As BuzzFeed put it. Tony Robbins is "... the world's most famous self-help guru". I hope you enjoy this video of Tony talking about his experience of NSA. This will also introduce you to "Donny", the developer of NSA.
Then, after the video please feel free to click below and learn more about NSA care.
Dr Jason Barritt
NSA chiropractor