Contact Us
Book Online NowAs a new client, when you book your initial chiropractic appointment, we will reply to your email or phone message when we are in the practice. Our staff is available Tuesday and Friday all day, Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning. For new chiropractic patients, please look out for an email with instructions and forms that must be filled out prior to your appointment. If you don't get the email please call the "New Patient" number for after hours response.
New Patients: 0483 954 003
Existing Patients: 02 6162 2919
Video instructions for easy parking.
Opening Hours
Monday closed
Tuesday Chiro 7am-6pm
Wednesday Chiro 2.30 pm-6pm
Thursday closed
Friday Chiro 7 am-6 pm
Saturday Chiro 8am-11.30am
Saturday afternoon closed
Our Office
Body Mind Empowerment Centre
5 Hall Street Lyneham ACT 2602