Neuroplastic Treatment
A different approach to pain reduction and enhanced performance
The primary chiropractic method I use is called Network Spinal Analysis or NSA care and is a form of neuroplastic treatment. NSA care uses gentle touches to the spine in order to stimulate the nervous system’s capacity to learn a strategy of self-correction. This Neuroplastic Treatment can result in enhanced mental and physical performance as well as reduced symptoms.
My initial focus is to reduce spinal stiffness and asymmetric restriction of movement rather than to correct specific misalignments of the vertebrae. Once the body develops a strategy of self-correction from the NSA care, it will encourage the spine to spontaneously realign itself.
The understanding of neuroplasticity and its potential clinical value is explained by Norman Doidge, M.D., in his popular book ‘The Brain That Changes Itself’ he says…
One of my aims is to retrain parts of the brain and nervous system so the body can learn how to reduce or even eliminate abnormal function that may be the cause of current symptoms.
A university study with over 2,800 participants found this treatment called Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) results in enhanced health and wellbeing. [1]
NSA uses specific touches to the spine in order to create spontaneous self-corrective spinal movements. Jason coaches the body to refine these movements. Researchers found the more complex these movements become, the greater the increase in nervous system coordination which indicates a greater capacity for positive changes in health. These researchers found that with NSA “…the synaptic strengths are adjusted, the neural pathways are established, and consequently the signal becomes less random.” [2]
In essence, these scientists are saying that a very positive neurological change occurs with this type of treatment. In fact, some of the same scientists conclude in another paper, “the sEMG (surface electromyography) signal of NSA reveals a new class of complex nonlinear dynamic behaviour” in the nervous system [3].
The study into NSA with over 2,800 participants found 95% reported their expectations had been met [1]. It also concluded that “…within the boundaries of this design, these findings provide substantial evidence that Network Care should be included amongst those practices with established health benefits.
Please check out our FREE consultation offer HERE.
Jason W. Barritt B.Sc (Hons) DC
To learn more about the what, why and how of NSA care and neuroplasticity, please click on the following image.
To view a summary of a study with 2,800 NSA subject by Irivine College of Medicine, part of the University of California that investigated it's effect on health, wellness and quality of life, click below:
[1] Blanks, R.H.; Shuster, T.L.; Dobson, M.A. Retrospective Assessment of Network Care Using a Survey of Self-Related Health, Wellness and Quality of Life, Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, 1997,Vol. 1, No. 4, p. 15-31.
[2] Jonckheere, E.A.; Losoonthorn, P.; Boone, R. (2003). “Dynamic modeling of spinal electromyographic activity during various conditions.” Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference. 1:465-470.
[3] Lohsoonthom, P.; Jonckheere, E.A. “Nonlinear switching dynamics in surface electromyography of the spine.” Phycon, Vol. 1, pp. 276-281, 2003 International Conference on Physics and Control—Vol. 1 (PHYCON’03), 2003.