The secret to feeling younger!
To learn how to act younger, feel younger and perform like a youngster again, you must understand the process of aging. There are many mysterious phenomena in reversing the aging effect, but we are going to try and make it very simple, by sharing one secret here! When you understand what the aging process is all about, you can learn how to slow this process. What's even better is that ANYBODY CAN ACHIEVE IT IF HE OR SHE SO DESIRES.
The SECRET about the Ageing process
Here’s the first SECRET: You get old because you are not disposing of all your internally generated wastes and toxins, and you accumulate the leftovers within your body. For your body to function effectively and to maintain body temperature, you burn nutrients within your cells.
The main ingredients of all foods, expensive or inexpensive, gourmet or junk, vegetable or meat, alkaline or acid, are either carbohydrates, proteins or fats. They are made primarily from a combination of four elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen.
After these nutrients are burnt (oxidized) in your cells, they all turn into organic acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids, fatty acids, etc.
FACT: Fats are acidic even before oxidation. These acidic wastes and toxins are disposed of in liquid form, as urine or perspiration, after first being dissolved in your blood. Every element within your body was placed there by your blood and can come out, first by being dissolved into your blood and then by excretion.
If anyone loses 5 kilograms by any dietary means, it can be said that most of that 5 kilograms came out through the urine. Unfortunately, due to our lifestyles and environments (i.e., too much ingestion, overwork, overindulgence, not enough rest, staying up late, not enough exercise, inadequate water consumption, smoking, pollution, etc.), your body cannot get rid of all the acidic waste products that it generates within. This acid starts to accumulate!
You accumulate these leftover waste products within your body, in your fat tissues. This is the process of getting old. To make matters worse, mixed with these organic acids are inorganic acid minerals such as chlorine, phosphor, and sulphur that come in with most of our acidic foods: meats, grains, and root crops.
In addition, if your hormones are out of balance or low (after age 30), this will also affect your body’s ability to get rid of toxin and therefore accelerate the aging process.
If you don't eat enough alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables that contain inorganic alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.., you need to drink more water, at least 1.5 litres of high pH (alkaline) water, daily. This slows the aging process, detoxify the body by assisting with elimination, and helps us to build the immune system, become healthier and feel young again.
If you have questions about alkaline water, talk to one of our chiropractors.